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Our components are simple people, like the vast majority of those who make web radio.

Workers, technicians, professionals ... anyone can do radio.

In our team we can boast some peculiar people, of course all out like a balcony, and each of them manages a show (or more than one) adherent to their mind.

Know them better:


                              Sed Bunny - Crema (Cremona - Italy)

The official creator of this reality and with an experience of more than thirty years as a DJ. Characterized by a stratospheric culture and ability off the scale.

A lover of science fiction, fantasy, cinema, reading, role-playing games, martial arts, alternative medicine and a lot of other interests.

Manages show of the new emergent groups and his first creature Gothic Manor.




                               Sci-Fi Inquisitor - Ricengo (Cremona - Italy)(very near at Crema ^^)




Co-founder of the project. Contacted by Sed Bunny and of which he is a close friend. It was thanks to Sed if he could personally experience a live radio. Smartass was the occasion. It shares almost the same passions and is a personality very technical in the work ... a raving lunatic in the rest!

Manages mainly The Q's show.



                            Fede Dj - Bergamo (Italy)


Work as a computer technician, who loves Metal in life. Believe it or not, in this type of work is pretty much the normal combination! He, too, out like a balcony (what you expected).

Manages the show "Gods of Metal"





                            Dj Namer - Modena (Italia)


Very young and already on the wave! A true wonder of House.

His is our new show DON'T BE SCARED !


                            Wessex Alexander - Turin (Italy)



a very nice goth beast and, of course, guess? Out like a ... balcony!


Here we are, just for you
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