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This radio was born as a simple game officially in August 2010.

The purpose of this game was to create a simple radio program where to hear all the music that is NOT actually heard about the various FM and commercial radio in general.

Why does this happen?

For a simple matter of market. These radios have the sponsors and, therefore, someone who shows more or less in which direction to go. Ergo it is quite normal that the music that you hear are those of the most famous composers of old, or those meteors that are used to create yet another "Song of Summer" and that after 3-4 months no one cares anymore.

It is the law of the market. Very little space is given to the creativity that makes "a few listens."

The reality of web radios is different, as it is usually only one person to do the entire job and, consequently, is more free in his choices.

​In our case, we started with a simple game. With the classic "Let's try. We enjoy ourselves a bit and then we'll see."

We found almost immediately in front of the fact that many liked our project.

From here then we evolved. Calmly, without haste, always remaining with the idea of ​​doing the show unpretentious and always full of fun.

Spreaker - where it all started.

This was our first test platform. Everyone can create their own web radio by going directly to their address ( finding a system that provides different solutions as well as a flash virtual console from which to manage all your program, be it live or on a delayed basis through podcasts (recordings uploaded to the site).

At that time the service was also of a young age and soon noticed some gaps in the management of the server and some small bugs. But the staff has always been kind enough to answer our questions.

Our needs, however, in the meantime, had changed: new friends had joined us with new shows and new ideas and then we had to look for another solution. But we kept always on our account on spreaker.


We moved to this new reality ( in August 2011. Probably the best free online solution for those who want to take a working radio 24 hours on 24 and 7 days out of 7.

You can create the web page with dedicated player and built-in chat in the same box, and links to various social networks and specific address for your radio (which in our case was or, if you can not be creative with the tool available, directly ask the staff to create it for you.

Nothing to complain ... at the beginning.

If you live in Europe you will have to get used to some minor bug:


- The time programming function does not work

- The musical file must be uploaded one at a time with a dreadful slowness

- The "Call Dj" function does not work well, unless you have a VERY TOUGHT internet line

- The flash interface is as far as you can imagine from a virtual console, having been designed for owners of external mixers and various commands need 1 or 2 seconds to run (the server is in the U.S.)

- If you enter a playlist (previously created by you) in the broadcast stream, just try to go with the mouse in any other part of the interface that is not the area that lists the music tracks, the whole thing begins to scroll up or down very quickly (you need to go to another section, like upload and then come back and everything will be fine).

-The bugs are known and reported for a long time and nothing seems to have been done so far (August 2012).



The previous solution, despite the bug, it was fine and did not worry too much the two main founders. It was merely to add a few more clicks to work via mouse. But our staff had meanwhile expanded and new components, despite the explanations, had found difficult the behavior of that interface.

From here the search for other solutions for live radio.

This service (www.listen2myradio) was very similar to krykey ( except for the fact that it was not the roll 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but for our idea, was just fine as we were intending to use this service for the direct and krykey for the weekly schedule, loading the direct in the form of podcasts so you can make available to listeners unable to hear at the time of the live broadcast.

Also, the thing that attracted us in this service was the ability to use external tools for our programs, such as Sam Broadcaster (which is not possible at the time with previous solutions).

Not even a 40-minute test and the head of krykey contact us by saying that he erased the site since we used this new service (which uses the shoutcast protocol). Snappish, eh? This we did not like, and we explained the situation. But the damage already had been done.


Spreaker, return to home

Meanwhile spreaker has evolved. Changed server; has listened to its users and, after a transition period with related issues, has renewed its services. Both those free ones that charge. And now you can communicate with external programs such as Sam Broadcaster, Nice Caster (Macintosh environment), and the like on to using Icecast.

And it is precisely why we now broadcast on it!

About Us : when & how
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